Our Approach
Why a Multi-Disciplinary Approach Works Best
Chiropractic Wellness and Nutrition is a new approach to wellness, mainly because it does not address the pain centers. It considers the diagnosis, of course, but also seeks to answer the question, “Why does this person have this illness?” The answer to this question is revealed by discovering the antecedents, triggers, and mediators that cause the symptoms, signs, and behaviors.
But that is just the first step. Once we understand the core problem affecting one’s health, it is important to address using methods that will fully eliminate symptoms and remove the triggers that spark the illness.
Traditional medicine will prescribe drugs to treat symptoms. That is where we differ, and where we can make a real difference for most patients. We are able to use several modalities to impact all the affected areas. This offers the best chance for optimal health and recovery.
The Triad Of Health
The triad of health represents the three sides of our health that are affected by external and internal stimulus.
The Triad Of Health
Structural imbalances in our daily lives creates health problems in many ways especially putting stress upon our nervous system. For example, seated for hours daily in front of a computer causes a weakening or imbalance in muscle function which in turn affects the body’s structural equilibrium. Physical injuries in life also affect our overall structure. A structural problem left unaddressed over time can cause additional health issues as well as chemical and mental stress.
The old saying is true, “We are what we eat.” Nutritional deficiency can have the most significant impact on our overall health. Did you know that the average human carries 3 pounds of gut bacteria? When that bacteria is not functioning properly as a result of poor diet, it can contribute to almost any disease or condition. An improper or unbalanced fuel supply puts a tremendous strain on our organs, tissues, and glands.
Our mind/brain connection controls the function of all of our organs. Stressors in the day affecting us mentally can cause elevated blood pressure, visual disturbances, over or under functioning digestive pathways, stomach issues, hormone changes, respiratory changes, and many other systemic health related imbalances.
Being able to apply different modalities to the different areas of the body is a crucial part of Chiropractic Wellness and Nutrition.
Without it, one is never able to recover fully.